eCommerce has seen tremendous growth over the last decade or so, with sales jumping over 18 percent just last year alone, according to statistics. In order to keep up with the projected growth, if you’re thinking of launching a business to sell things, you should seriously consider setting up an eCommerce site as soon as possible. With a little luck and the appropriate selection of platforms, you could be a part of the massive growth in eCommerce, and you could build a very profitable business from your home or office.

One of the best moves you could possibly make is to take advantage of the exploding increase in international company transactions. You may begin by either hiring a web developer to design your Commerce site from scratch or by utilizing a site that has already been established in order to save both time and money on the development process. Some of the following points are offered for you to explore in order to ensure that you are selecting the most appropriate eCommerce platform for your company.

Include the most valuable e-commerce functionality.

When picking an eCommerce provider, one of the most crucial selling points to consider is the functionality that the company can supply for you. The dashboard, for example, is something that will be quite significant to you because you will be dealing with it on a daily basis. It will also be necessary to have dependable and powerful tools to help you manage your inventory and generate reports. You will also need to be able to process orders, upsell and cross-sell add-ons, and even generate discount codes.

In addition to being mobile-friendly, another characteristic that will be very necessary in the present corporate climate is the ability to respond to requests from mobile devices. It is essential that all themes provided by your provider are mobile-friendly, particularly your cart and checkout functionality. Your eCommerce site’s checkout process should be comfortable and convenient for all users, regardless of how they access your website.

A Reliable Host for Your Platform: What to Look for

Choosing a dependable host for your platform may also be a significant consideration when selecting the best eCommerce platform for your needs. You will want to know that your host is capable of providing enough protection for all of your clients since, without the confidence that comes with high-quality security, you are unlikely to attract a large number of consumers.

In addition, your server should be able to ensure a very high rate of uptime, with no costly interruptions that cause you to lose revenue. If you decide on CS-Cart as your eCommerce software, you can host the software on a web hosting firm such as A2 Hosting.

Another important consideration when selecting a reputable service provider is that your website should operate exceptionally well in terms of loading speed and navigational capabilities, among other things. If your website’s pages take too long to load, visitors are likely to abandon your site and go to one of your competitors’ sites.

Pricing and payment information

In order to receive the most value for your money, whether you are a very tiny business just getting started in the eCommerce market or a large, established corporation, it is essential that you understand what you are receiving for your money. Virtually all eCommerce platforms will want you to pay a monthly charge in order to use them. If your platform is hosted, this will be the charge that you will be required to pay directly to your website hosting company.

Take some time to think about the types of payment options that your consumers will be using as well. Some eCommerce platforms do not allow for payment through third-party suppliers, and this is a common occurrence. This could cause a significant amount of inconvenience for your customers, and it may even cause them to go to a competitor. Decide which payment methods you will use before you even open your eCommerce platform for business, and keep this in mind as you look for a platform that will meet your needs.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendliness

Even an eCommerce platform must be well-versed in search engine optimization concepts in order to improve website traffic while also increasing engagement with visitors to the website. The ability to have your eCommerce business appear prominently in search engine results will be tremendously advantageous in terms of increasing the likelihood that your store will be discovered.

Take, for example, CS-Cart, which allows you to integrate a fully-featured blog into your eCommerce store. By writing posts that are relevant to your items, you can increase your exposure in search results and increase your sales.

When evaluating eCommerce platforms, make certain that you will be able to incorporate a blog into your website, that you will be able to use your own domain name, and that your customers will have the opportunity to leave evaluations of your website.

Integrations and plug-ins are two terms that are used to refer to the same thing.

When looking for the ideal eCommerce platform, it’s important to consider the possibility of integrating third-party applications and plug-ins. It is important to consider your actual business requirements when selecting which types of plug-ins you require for your platform.

eCommerce software tools and plug-ins include those that assist with shipping, those that reward customers for purchases, email marketing tools, accounting plug-ins that help simplify your business in terms of financial requirements, and those that help to increase the speed of your eCommerce website, among other things.

For example, having a structure in place to handle your revenues, earnings, sales, and taxes will be quite beneficial to you. However, you will want to be certain that whatever platform you choose is compatible with the types of integrations or plug-ins you intend to use for your eCommerce business, so that you can get the most out of them.


By 2021, it is predicted that e-commerce sales will account for 17.5 percent of all worldwide retail sales. So, regardless of what your product or services are, developing a scalable e-commerce solution is an absolute must these days. Investing in yourself will pay off in the short and long term.

Your website should be adaptable enough to provide you with appropriate plans for the construction and operation of your expanding business. This is applicable to a variety of things, ranging from your server bandwidth to your cross-channel sales skills. Businesses benefit from the increased flexibility provided by headless commerce solutions that include native connectors and APIs.


E-commerce websites are the most popular targets for cybercriminals. Consider the tens of thousands of user IDs, personal information, and financial information, including credit card data and product details, that are stored on your website. That is what makes it so appealing to cybercriminals. As a result, you must ensure that the platform you choose is compatible with HTTPS/SSL protocols and is PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security) compliant before proceeding. SSL will safeguard all of the web pages on the website.


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