We’ll make it easier for you to understand and guide you to a well-positioned website on Google with these golden tips in terms of content, relevance, and authority. 

Among the main current search engines, Google is by far the one that interests the Romanian language the most, because it dominates over 90% of the searches in Romania.

There are many issues between generating traffic and closing a sale at the end of the process; however, those who are on the front page of Google today can get qualified traffic and reduce sales steps by having an excellent presentation of their products and services. professional site.

In order to be well positioned on Google, you need to have a basic understanding of SEO, or site optimization, which we will summarize below in a few topics to make it easier to understand and guide you to delve deeper into each of them. they.

Tip 1: Understand the Google results for your keywords.

This step is very important and serves as a basis for the rest of the other steps.

For each keyword, Google displays different results, depending on the history of interactions between the content of sites that are well positioned.

There are commercial and informational searches, so Google will determine what is best for each search.

Knowing this, what you should do is analyze all the sites on the first page of Google for each keyword you want to rank, looking to know what content is delivered to the user, how many images it has, if there is video. , etc.

Your task will be to produce content that brings together the best of them, developing something superior to generate more value.

Tip 2: Sites that rank well on Google are relevant.

Having a relevant website will make a difference in the medium and long term and will position you well on Google.

If you have a service provider, try to make a page for each one, following the previous tip to create better content for it.

Having a page for every service or topic you want to cover will be much more relevant than broad content.

Remember that the more specific and in-depth you can address a topic, the more relevance and value it will receive from users.

Tip 3: Authority accelerates Google’s positioning.

Google compares sites based on their age and referrals.

Authority is built through the relationships that your site has with others, which are called backlinks.

Backlinks are part of your link-building strategy and represent the influence your site has on others in the same niche.

So, as your site matures, it will gain more referrals and, as a result, increase its authority.

Opt for quality over quantity. Referral links need to be contextual, meaning that they are in the same context as your site, so that they really have value and gain position in search engines.

This step is one of the most important criteria for search engines in general, because if a domain is recent, it still has to go through stability tests, page validation, content indexing, etc.

On the other hand, a domain with more indexing time may have a more aggressive link-building strategy, positioning itself faster on Google.

Tip 4: A responsive website is essential to a good position on Google.

A responsive website is built on a single platform, which adapts to the current resolution of your device.

This means that it will have a desktop version, a desktop version, and a mobile version; however, the content and experience are better explored in each of them.

Currently, most agencies are working on creating responsive websites, which are different from mobile sites, which are developed specifically for those sizes.

For this reason, Google values responsive websites, which, because they look cleaner and more objective, load faster, which is another ranking factor.


Positioning a page on Google is not an easy task, but with patience, dedication, and daily effort, you can position yourself well.

A golden rule for achieving this goal is to regularly update your site in order to gain more and more relevance and to be referred to by other sites.

This way, you will be able to get the three pillars of SEO, which are content, relevance, and authority.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. We are available to help you.


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