Is it SEO-friendly and mobile-friendly?

These are two very significant aspects of the site. You’ve almost certainly heard about their effect on conversion rates. If you’re new to all of this, SEO refers to making your store easy to locate in search engines, and mobile responsiveness refers to providing the best consumer experience possible on any platform—ffrom desktop to mobile. It’s an important factor to think about while selecting an eCommerce platform. Check to see if the platform has SEO tools and a responsive template.

X-Cart comes with five basic pre-installed themes. They’re all mobile-friendly and up-to-date with Google’s criteria. Clean URLs, canonical URLs, adjustable page titles and META tags, an XML sitemap, and rich snippets in search results are all included in X-Cart.

Is it possible to customize the platform?

You’ll want to modify your store at some point. You may become dissatisfied with the appearance and feel of your store, or your business may expand, necessitating the addition of new tools and adjustments to your store.

However, not all systems allow you to do so, and hosted options are particularly restrictive. You can skip this paragraph if you’re confident that a simple store with basic eCommerce capabilities would suffice.

Customizability, on the other hand, is frequently essential. It enables you to customize your store to meet your specific company’s needs. Otherwise, you’ll have to tailor your business to your platform’s capabilities.

X-Cart is a shopping cart that may be customized. It comes with open-source PHP code that allows you to change any feature you want. You’ll rarely find yourself in a circumstance where your brilliant concept is simply difficult to accomplish if you have programming abilities or the financial means to hire custom development and design services. To make working with X-Cart even easier, we’ve built a separate portal for developers.

The distinguishing feature of X-Cart is a one-of-a-kind blend of customizability and upgradeability. It implies that you can update the code and upgrade it quickly and easily.

Will the store be able to handle increased traffic as my company grows?

The speed of your website is crucial for both SEO and conversions. While a lot depends on your server, the platform has its own performance capabilities. You can use a service like Gatling or Webpagetest to create your own site performance test.

For example, a test of X-Cart installed on a typical VPS server indicated that it can handle 500K unique shoppers each day, which is a fantastic result.

Is it reliable and safe?

When selecting a shopping platform, keep in mind that you’ll be using it for a long time.

It is not a smart idea to start your business on some platform and then migrate to a more powerful, stable, and secure platform later. Despite the fact that there are services that will migrate your store from one platform to another for a reasonable price, migration is no laughing matter.

To prevent the possibility of being discontinued, it’s best to start with one of the shopping carts that has proven to be stable and has been on the market for a long time. You can start with the cheapest plan, which includes the most basic range of eCommerce tools, and then increase your site as your company grows.

We recognize that a startup’s budget is typically restricted; therefore, we’re happy to provide you with a completely free X-Cart license that contains everything you need to launch an online store. You may add as many products as you like, create and manage orders, accept payments online, choose from a variety of shipping options, and use basic marketing tools. When you’re ready to upgrade, simply purchase a license, activate it in your store, and you’ll have immediate access to a variety of new tools.

In terms of security, X-Cart provides HTTPS/SSL for a secure connection and safe checkout, as well as cryptographically strong SHA-2 sensitive data encryption, XSS and CSRF prevention, and SQL injection protection.

Is it simple to hire a developer to assist me with my e-commerce store?

Whether you intend to hire a developer to assist you with your store, do some research to determine if one is readily available. This information is occasionally available on the eCommerce platform’s website, which lists reputable developers and online businesses.

You won’t need to hire a developer if you use X-Cart because we can provide practically any service for your store. On our website, you may also find a comprehensive selection of third-party professionals and services. Furthermore, Upwork and other similar portals have a large list of freelancers with 5-star ratings.

You may have additional requirements for an eCommerce platform due to the specifics of your organization. We hope that the list of aforementioned questions will make the process of selecting a platform a little easier.

A fast tip: To help establish an e-commerce firm, merchants can seek out a digital agency like JLB Florida for assistance in planning design, development, and marketing.

Plans and pricing

Depending on the functionality and scalability of the store application, eCommerce platform prices range from $20 to several hundred dollars each month.


Built-in integration with other financial systems and internal platforms that will offer sales, shipping, marketing, and reporting capabilities should be considered based on the business goals and sales strategy.

Management of inventory

Inventory tracking and fulfillment features are available on some eCommerce platforms, which aid inventory management, the amount of things sold online, and connectivity with shipping programs and ERP systems. Accurate inventory counts and expense records are tremendously beneficial to the accounting and operations departments. Additionally, because some platform plans only support a limited number of SKUs and categories, particular consideration should be given to the number of SKUs and categories that can be added based on the platform plan allotment.

Payment Options for the Shopping Cart

This is a crucial step in the setup process since it will decide how many browser conversions turn into sales and, depending on the payment method, whether or not additional merchant-related charges are incurred. Most eCommerce platforms provide a wide range of alternatives as well as a simple link to several payment mechanisms for the shopping cart.

Shipping Preferences

Overall client happiness and good profitability are determined by the shipping alternatives accessible on the eCommerce site. Drop-shipping, label printing, FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL, and other shipping choices and management solutions are available on many platforms. In order to choose the platform with the shipping alternatives that are supportive to the business, it is vital to evaluate the target customers’ location(s), the type of items offered, transit times, warehouse location, and systems integration needs at a minimum.


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